Cameras and intercoms in Ghent car parks

Fast and efficient search for persons, cars and images
RTS has been servicing the cameras and intercoms in the underground car parks of the city of Ghent for over 15 years. The innovative VMS system and the ANPR cameras provide assistance to customers in the car parks and are particularly user-friendly for the company's employees. Erwin Vanhoeijen, deputy of the management - Team parking buildings, explains.
New jet link at PZ Mira

One-time investment for a high-speed connection
In 2020, the Mira police force moved to the ultra-modern new police station in the Kalkhoevestraat 4 in Waregem. RTS installed cameras in and around this building that, like the cameras in the city, are equipped with intelligent software. Thanks to this software, the police can search very specifically for persons, types of cars, colour, direction and size. Nils Berteyn, ICT consultant at PZ Mira, explains.
Camera network at PZ Ronse

Camera images very useful for collecting information
Beam connection at Sint-Rembert school group

Jet link was the most economical solution
RTS installed an additional radio link for the Sint-Rembert school group in Torhout to connect the main site in Bruggestraat with the nursery and primary department in Revinzestraat. This way, the two sites can exchange telephony, data and internet at a high speed. Kevin Baert, ICT-coordinator of Sint-Rembert explains.
Camera network at PZ Arro Ypres

RTS VMS software is very user-friendly
Luc Vercaigne, first commissioner of the Arro Ieper police zone, has been working with RTS for twenty years. Among others, the cameras of the city of Ypres fall under his authority. They got to know the RTS camera technology in 2006. In the meantime, we are already installing a second generation of cameras in the Cat City.
Sound detection system at Agristo

System detects Low Frequency noise within 5 minutes
Installation in Blankenberge

Video wall installed in control room
Technicians Michaja, David and Tom installed a completely new video wall in the control room at the Blankenberge police station.